But I actually had a lovely little jaunt this weekend. I spent a day in Dublin! It was really nice to get out of Galway, only if for 24 hours. Don't get me wrong, Galway is great and I love it, but it is TINY. For people from home, it's approx the size of the Illinois side of the QC. Yeahhhh. For people who AREN'T from home, think of stories I've told you about my hometown, then divide that in half. Except the people are friendlier and there's more shops and restaurants and it's about 1,000x prettier than Moline/Rock Island. I sense I'm getting sidetracked here, so let's reorient.
POINT BEING I went to Dublin on Monday (which is still technically my weekend as I don't have class). My friend Erica, who was two years behind me at ND, was over for fall break. We sat in a pub and relived Scholastic and laughed over the ridiculous things our fellow staffers used to do and talked a LOT about BOB FRANKEN. (Scholastic was the
magazine I worked for/lived at in college, and BOB was our adviser. He had the best talk about libel and slander you could ever hope to hear. EVER.) Obviously, there was much talk of circuses and Britney Spears and getting the staff to respect us and meeting Captain Morgan. I mean, obviously.
So anyway, I also got the opportunity to explore Dublin a little bit. I've been there... twice now? But both times with my parents. (Who, by the way, read this, and I want to make clear my parents are fantastic human beings and I love them very much and clearly they are wonderful people to explore a major world city with.) Actually, maybe I've been there three times? REGARDLESS now that I had the chance to kinda do my own thing there I loved it! What a great city! I was almost getting angsty that I decided on studying in Galway instead of at Trinity or UCD, but then I reminded myself a) the program I wanted was at Galway and b) after a year in New York and six months in London (yes, this was a long time ago, and no, my bank account has not recovered), my finances (or lack thereof) legitimately could not handle the strain of another cosmopolitan world capital. I also discovered this exists. YES! I've already decided Katy and Tara and I will be going to this museum while they are here for New Years, so expect to see a lot of new obnoxious/potentially mildly offensive facebook pictures of us imitating the ND leprechaun outside the front doors of said museum. The pictures will probably look a little something like this:

So the takeaway from that extended little ramble about my day in Dublin can be summed up as follows:
1) I went to Dublin.
2a) If you put any two ND alums in an enclosed area they will inevitably end up drinking and then talking about Notre Dame too much (Erica is not an alum yet, but this works for the purposes of this list).
2b) I miss Notre Dame and Scholastic.
3) I want to go to the Leprechaun Museum.
4) My house in college had a leprechaun in the upstairs.
That's the basic distillation of my main points, I think.
Go Irish (the ND kind),
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